Unhide Files from USB infected by Virus

Nowadays different viruses causes type of damages on your computer. Most of viruses are program to sabotage the process of a computer. Other viruses cause destruction such as encrypting files, deletion of files and hiding of files.

Many user conduct an incorrect solution when their usb was infected by virus. Other was panic because they cannot see their files and they think it was deleted by virus, so they take action to reformat. Format is not always answered for your infected Usb Flash drive. If the virus is capable of restricting Folder Options, the chances are you think that your files have been wiped out by the virus but in fact they are perfectly safe and have just been hidden in your system.

This guides will help you on how to unhide the files from Usb flash drive infected by virus. 

Unhide Files from USB infected by Virus

1.    Put your infected usb on your computer. Then trace the drive letter of the USB Flash Drive.
Note: It is important to know the drive letter of the usb because we will use it later.

Unhide Files from USB infected by Virus

2.    Click on startup button, and type on the search bar CMD or Command Prompt. After you find the Command Prompt, right click and Run it as Administrator Privilege.

Unhide Files from USB infected by Virus

3.    On the command prompt type the drive letter of the Flash Drive and hit Enter it will select the directory of the Flash Drive.
Example: C:\Windows\system32>F: Press Enter

Unhide Files from USB infected by Virus

4.    After selecting the Drive Letter type the following command.
Example: F:\>attrib -s -h /s /d *.* Press Enter
This will unhide all your files that have been hidden by the virus.

Unhide Files from USB infected by Virus

Unhide Files from USB infected by Virus

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For more detailed video you may visit on this link.